As a cause-driven organization for youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility, the Great Miami Valley YMCA works side-by-side with our neighbors to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, income or background, has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive in Y programs. To do our important work, the Y relies on support from members, donors, volunteers, and community leaders. Our cause-driven programs include:
Offers programs and services to children, adults, and families who need financial assistance.
Nurtures the potential of youth through building character at camp, academic enrichment in safe afterschool programs and foundational skills, and values in our child care programs.
Improves our community’s health and well-being through combating obesity and chronic disease by providing the support and resources people need to make positive change.
Helps us work every day to improve the lives of our members, neighbors and communities through cause-drive programs and services.
How to Give
Donate Now Online
Mail - Great Miami Valley YMCA, Development Office, 105 N. 2nd St. Hamilton, OH 45011
Call - Development Office at 513-887-0001 ext 1103
Donations made to the YMCA are 100% tax-deductible.