If traditional workouts feel like a chore, then you will want to find alternate ways to move your body and burn calories. When you sign up for dance class options, you have the ability to move to the music and enjoy the motions that come with the cardio, while also burning calories. If your main goal in dance workout classes is to lose weight, then consider our tips to help improve the workout experience and results.
The following tips can work in all kinds of dance classes, including basic cardio dance along with some of the branded dance classes like Zumba or IGNITE Dancefit. Check out the ways to help lose extra weight and then use those tips the next time you schedule a dance class.
1. Weighted Add-Ons
When you dance freely with just your body, you will naturally lose weight. You can lose even more weight and build some muscle tone if you add a little extra weight to your dance routine. For example, you could wear weighted add-ons for your dance classes. Many dance classes will recommend weighted gloves for dancing.
Weighted gloves put more weight into your hands, but still allow you to move freely. You do not have to worry about gripping items or dropping weights as you move around. The weighted gloves will help you tone your arms and lose weight in those key areas.
You could also wear ankle weights for your dance routine. The ankle weights will help you lose weight in your legs and could increase the amount of calories you burn on a regular basis. Once you get used to one weight, you can add another so you eventually dance with both hand weights and ankle weights at the same time.
The more you master the dance moves, the easier time you will have completing those movements with extra weight on your body.
2. Double The Dancing
If you want an easy way to lose more weight with dance, then consider doubling your class load. Instead of just one dance a week, add a second class. When you add a second class to your routine, look for a different type of dance class. A different class will offer alternative songs, so you do not feel like the classes get too repetitive.
Depending on your schedule, you may choose to take two classes in a single day or spread the classes out over the week. Once you get used to these classes, you can slowly expand until you have a fully booked schedule and can burn calories every day of the week.
3. At-Home Playlists
When you take dance cardio classes, you will learn specific routines that go along with specific songs. Along with classroom dancing, you can master routines enough to extend your workout at home. Create a custom playlist based on the tracks you listen to. With those tracks, you can fit in extra workouts along with your regular routine.
Pick out a location in your home with enough room to dance around and burn extra calories. Just make sure you wait a few weeks until you have mastered some of the routines. When you follow the same workouts as your class, you can maximize the cardio burn and really help lose weight.
The more dance classes you take, the more you can add to your playlist. Eventually, you will curate your favorite songs and routines to repeat on a regular basis. The additional dance can really add to your class workouts and make a difference in addition to your regular classes.
For more information on dance cardio classes, check out our options at Great Miami Valley YMCA to learn more. We have multiple options to choose from, including a wide range of different dance genres and styles.