Flag Football
Registration: 4-22-24 to 7-12-24
At the YMCA, our sports philosophy founded on the core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility and Faith allows us to do SO MUCH MORE than develop sport specific skills. The Y promotes healthy competition, family involvement and fundamental Football skills. Flag Football is a wonderful alternative to full contact football.
Season Dates: 7-22-24 to 8-31-24
First Practice: 7-22-24
First Game: 8-3-24
Click your location below to sing up!
Atrium YMCA East Butler YMCA Fitton YMCA Fairfield YMCA
If interested in coaching please email aflanagan@gmvymca.org. Coaches are required to take background check online, fill out the volunteer application, and take a child abuse prevention course.
Ages 4-12 $60 for members; $100 for non members
One practice night per week for each team.
Games are held on Saturdays - times for games depend on age group/number of teams/location of play.